Welcome to the Multi-Cultural Child Development Center!
The staff of Multi-Cultural Child Development Center is dedicated to providing the very best in early childhood education. Our purpose is to create an enriched environment that will stimulate learning in all developmental areas; physical, social-emotional, intellectual, language and literacy, as well as to foster wonder, curiosity, and a genuine pleasure in learning.
We also provide an environment that will affirm the culture of all the children who attend our center and encourage them to appreciate and respect the culture of others.
The West Santa Rosa Local Action Council whose members consist of parents and community volunteers operates the Center. Our program is funded by the California Department of Education and licensed by the California Department of Social Services. Under the Board’s leadership; the Executive Director oversees all areas of the program including curriculum, environment, health, nutrition, cultural experience and supervision of all staff.
In addition to the Director, our staff includes two Supervising Teachers, two Teachers, six Assistant Teachers, an Administrative Assistant, a Food Program Coordinator, a Floater and a Custodian.
We also have an active parent volunteer program. Our parent volunteers are very important to the quality of our program and allow us to maintain an adult/child ratio of 1:5.
The Staff and the Board of Directors look forward to assisting you in the education of your child.
Words of Appreciation
Soy Lorena Olvera, madre de tres niños que han estado en ésta escuelita y hoy doy las gracias a ésta institución ya que todo el personal tiene una verdadera vocación por la educación y lo demuestran dentro y fuera del salón de clases
Agradezco toda la atención y dedicación que ofrecen alos niños además de un buen trato y respaldo que brindan para hacerlos sentir seguros y felices. Esta escuela para mi ha sido más
que una institución el compromiso que tienen siempre con los niños va más aliña de un simple trabajo gracias por el apoyo brindado en cada ocasión que lo an nesesitado mis niños . Tienen un excelente personal yo recomiendo 100% esta escuelita ya que hacen sentir a los niños seguros, confiados y sobre todo protegidos y felices en todo momento No tengo más que agradecimiento para todas las maestras ya que son dedicadas ,entregadas y sumamente cariñosas con los niños al mismo tiempo que los enseñan a aprender jugando.
Mil gracias por todo ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
I am Lorena Olvera, mother of three children who have been in this little school and today I thank this institution because all the staff have a true vocation for education and they show it inside and outside the classroom.
I appreciate all the attention and dedication that they offer to the children, as well as good treatment and support they provide to make them feel safe and happy. This school for me has been more
that an institution the commitment that they always have with children goes beyond a simple work.
Thanks for the support provided on every occasion that my children have needed it. You have an excellent staff and I recommend 100% this preschool because they make children feel
safe, confident and above all protected and happy at all times I have nothing but
Thanks to all the teachers! they are dedicated, dedicated and affectionate with the children at the same time that they teach them to learn by playing, thank you very much for everything
Congratulations on this significant occasion. Fifty years’ journey serving Sonoma County’s families and young children. The Multi-Cultural Child Development Center is a positive and strong presents in the early care and education community. Witnessing such a historic moment is an honor as a Quality Counts coach at 4Cs. It has been my pleasure partnering with the teachers and administration staff as they continually embrace and implement quality early care and education practices. Thank you for being such a valuable asset to the community. Happy golden anniversary!
Jerri Leighton
Quality Counts Coach at 4Cs of Sonoma
Felicitaciones por esta importante ocasión. Un viaje de cincuenta años al servicio de las familias y los niños pequeños del condado de Sonoma. El Centro de Desarrollo Infantil Multicultural es un regalo positivo y fuerte en la comunidad de cuidado y educación temprana. Ser testigo de un momento tan histórico es un honor como entrenador de Quality Counts en 4Cs. Ha sido un placer asociarme con los maestros y el personal administrativo a medida que adoptan e implementan continuamente prácticas de educación y cuidado temprano de calidad. Gracias por ser un activo tan valioso para la comunidad. ¡Feliz aniversario de oro!
Jerri Leighton
Entrenador Quality Counts en 4Cs de Sonoma
Nosotros estamos muy agradecidos inmensamente desde todo éste tiempo que los he conocido.
Desde el momento que decidí registrar a mi hija mayor, hasta la más pequeña., a éste pre-escolar, no tengo ninguna duda que las dejé en muy buenas manos.
Su asistencia en éste pre-escolar a marcado y dejado muy bonitos recuerdos en su vida.
También les agradecemos desde lo más profundo por su atención, dedicación y el apoyo brindado en los momentos más difíciles.
Considero que ha sido una verdadera fortuna contar con personas tan dedicadas y generosas.
Les agradesco por todo su trabajo y por esas cosas lindas que han hecho para nuestras hijas, por dejar en sus corazones esa bonita experiencia de haber asistido a éste pre-escolar.
Silvia Cervantes.
We are very grateful immensely since all this time that I have known them.
From the moment I decided to register my oldest daughter, to the youngest, to this pre-school, I have no doubt that I left them in very good hands.
Her attendance at this preschool has marked and left very beautiful memories in her life.
We also thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your care, dedication and support during the most difficult times.
I consider that it has been a true fortune to have such dedicated and generous people.
I thank you for all your work and for those beautiful things you have done for our daughters, for leaving in their hearts that beautiful experience of having attended this preschool.
Sylvia Cervantes.